When Buddhism was introduced to China during the Eastern Han Dynasty, the emperor decreed that on the night of the full moon of the first lunar month, lanterns should be lit to honor Buddha, adding yet another level of significance to Lantern Festival. 东汉时期,佛教传入中国,皇帝下令,在正月第一个满月的晚上,必须点亮灯笼敬佛,这也使元宵节更增添了一份意义。
Individuals can place an extreme importance on other people's opinions and sometimes put a high level of significance on appearance and social status as a means to get attention. 过分强调获得来自他人的赞同、重视或注意,有时包括强调外貌和身份地位。
It results that the level of significance would be appropriately chosen, to guarantee the proper credibility level. 并说明要选择恰当的显著性水平,以保证检验的置信度具有合理性。
The multi regression equations between aroma, irritancy, taste, strength, sweetness and general quality existed at 10% level of significance. 香气、刺激性、吃味、劲头、甜度、总体质量与主要含氮化合物的多元线性回归方程在10%的显著水平上成立。
The results indicated that the association of species showed positive or no correlation in two scales at various successional stages, and the higher level of significance of positive association is also accompanied with higher species segregation. 研究结果显示,演替过程各个群落多物种间的总体关联性在2个尺度下都表现为不同程度的正关联或无关联;
The main results were as follows: 1. Plant height, culm thickness and biomass per plant were correlated to the lodging index at the 1% level of significance. 倒伏指数与株高、地上部生物量、茎粗的相关系数均达1%显著水平,表明水稻倒伏指数受株高、地上部生物量和茎粗等性状的显著影响。
By means of the support of data, using the method of multivariable linear regression, we can test the level of significance of the explaining variable. 在有数据支持时,线性多元回归方法,可以检验决策者初步选择的解释变量是否有显著性,也可以用来检验未解释部分的比重,促使寻求其它属性的支持。
The difference in MOE between mature and overmature Larch wood as well as between juvenile wood and overmature Pine wood, between mature and overmature Pine wood reached 0.01 level of significance. 松木木材的抗弯弹性模量沿径向的变化趋势为幼龄材>成熟材>过熟材,幼龄材与过熟材之间以及成熟材与过熟材之间均达0.01水平差异显著。
The principle can be used in affirming the qualification of CPA firms and CPA, judging level of significance, obtaining enough and suitable audit evidence with proper audit methods and signing the date of audit report independently. 在我国独立审计中对会计师事务所和注册会计师身份的认定、重要性水平的判断、运用合适的审计程序获取充分适当的审计证据、签署审计报告的日期等方面都体现了这一原则。
The differences of most mechanical properties in mature wood between natural forest and plantation also reach 0.01 level of significance. The basic tendency, which the mechanical properties of natural forest are higher than those of plantation, exhibits obviously in mature wood. 红松成熟材的绝大多数力学性能指标天然林红松与人工林红松的差异也达到0.01水平显著,并且天然林红松力学性质高于人工林红松的基本趋势在红松成熟材中表现得更为明显。
Moreover t test is adopted to evaluate the difference of paired observations in FAT test and availability test, and the level of significance in critical values can serve as the quantification index of the level of design, installment and commissioning. 对于FAT测试与可用率测试中成对数据的差异可采用t检验,检验临界点处的显著性水平检验可作为设计、安装、调试水平的量化指标。
We selected a few families, which have more homozygous in background with few untargeted fragments and reach level of significance ( P0.01). This is supply an important material for breeding. 4. 选取了一些背景片段较纯合,并目在性状上达到显著性水平的家系,为育种提供了重要材料。
Sports cultivate specialized institutions as, the students appear able to work high or low, the ability to improve the quality of our referees to promote table tennis competitions to further popularize and improve the level of significance. 体育院校作为培养体育专门人才的重要部门,其学生裁判工作能力的高低,对于提高我国裁判员能力素质,促进乒乓球运动的进一步普及和竞赛水平的提高有着重要意义。
The implementation of the training program and the analysis of the effect of transforming the medical institutions to improve the training system, enhance staff quality, improve the medical professional and technical level of significance and practicality. 培训方案的实施及效果转化的分析,在医疗机构完善培训体系,提高医护人员素质,提高医疗专业技术水平具有指导意义及实用性。
Test results show that POT model can grasp the extreme volatility characters, and the prediction failure rate is controlled near the level of significance. This means the goodness-of-fit and prediction accuracy of POT is higher. 检验结果表明POT模型能够较好地把握极值波动特征,失败率均控制在预设的显著性水平附近,拟合优度和预测精度较高。
The hydrolysis model is on a level of significance and can be used to analyze/ predict the hydrolysis reaction under different conditions. 水解模型达到显著水平,模型可以对不同条件下的水解反应情况进行分析和预测。
This study is that farmers work for a special social group, the protection of their rights and presented on the legal level of significance. 本文研究的是农民工作为一个特殊的社会群体,他们的权利保护及其所呈现在法律层面上的意义所在。
According to the sample characteristics, the use of individual fixed effects panel data model to study the level of significance of each explanatory variable and the explanatory variables. 根据样本特征,利用个体固定效应的面板数据模型研究各解释变量与被解释变量的显著性水平。
Ownership concentration affects prediction error in the 1% level of significance, and the higher the degree of ownership concentration, the smaller the earnings forecast error. 股权集中度在1%的显著性水平上影响预测误差,而且股权集中度越高,盈利预测误差越小。
Cloud computing as a third IT tide representative, will have a great impact on the development of information industry. At the same time, The cloud computing can reduce enterprises and the public information threshold, raise the national informatization level of significance. 云计算作为第三次IT浪潮的代表,将会对信息产业发展产生巨大影响,同时,云计算对于降低企业和公众信息化门槛、提升国家信息化水平具有重要意义。